7 Simple Beauty Tips That Can Change Your Life

Ever wondered how to achieve that model glow and beauty that people are always raving about? Sure, they must have been doing some expensive facial treatments but apart from that, a majority of models also see to it that they get to do the basics.

And what are those basics? In my years of trying out so many beauty regimens and practices, I found out that there are 7 simple yet effective beauty tips that you can always try at home. Plus, they don’t break the bank.

1. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

People say that sleep is overrated. I disagree with this. It’s actually very underrated. Not having enough sleep leads to eye bags. Eye bags lead to a sallow complexion and a sagging face.

Need I say more? You may not like it, but sleep enables cell repair and regeneration. It’s simply a must if you want to stay healthy and beautiful.

2. Drink Lots of Water

This is a beauty tip I swear by. Water moisturizes your lips. It makes your skin glow. It has minerals for healthy hair. What else do you need to be convinced that drinking water is important?

If you’re not a fan of liquids, try swapping one coffee drink a day to a full glass of water. Your body (and teeth) will love you for it.

3. Visit Your Dermatologist

Do you have skin problems? If you do, then you shouldn’t be self-diagnosing them especially when you’re prone to breakouts. The skin is your largest body part so it only makes sense that you know how to care for it.

Sometimes, it needs medical attention which is why before you buy a bunch of skincare products, visit a dermatologist first. They will tell you what specific minerals/chemicals you need to stock up on.

4. Avoid Oily and Salty Foods

Your diet plays a huge part in your health and beauty. When I used to eat a lot of junk food, I noticed that I had a bad complexion and my skin looked dull.

When I switched to vegetables and fruits, I noticed that my skin looks brighter and I feel lighter overall. You know that feeling when your body is full of the right vitamins and minerals? That’s what I felt.

5. Wear Sunscreen Even When You’re at Home

Even when I’m at home, I make sure I wear sunscreen all the time. Why? Because I don’t live in a cave and there’s bound to be sunlight streaming into my house.

Your house will most likely have some sun, too. By regularly wearing sunscreen, you protect yourself from the UVA/UVB rays that the sun produces.

6. Invest in the Right Skincare Products

This is the continuation of seeing your dermatologist. Now that you know what your skin type is and what it needs, it’s time for you to invest in the products that solve your skin problems.

It’s going to be expensive at first, but at least it does the job. Just think about all the money you can save by not buying all the wrong products.

7. Let Go of that Hair Iron!

While your hair is not part of your body, it still tops off your look (pun intended). You know what they say, your hair is your crowning glory. Even if you look good but your hair looks dead and flat, then what use is having a beautiful face?

One of the ways to take care of your hair is to avoid using curling irons and blow dryers all the time. It’s difficult, I know, especially when your hair doesn’t cooperate. However, too much styling every day will only kill your hair and give it a hard time to repair.

So there you have it. These tips are not meant to break the bank. They’re sustainable and if you keep it up and stay consistent, you’ll see a huge improvement in your body and face.

My Pain Issues Were Gone With Myotherapy

Some people fear old age because of the many health issues it brings. When I was a teenager, my grandmother lived with us. She had arthritis and many times, we heard her groaning because of the intense pain her condition caused.

It was hard to see her suffering and I decided to do everything to protect myself from arthritis. I do not know if arthritis runs in the blood but, here I am, at the early age of 50, already suffering from arthritis.

Arthritis and Myotherapy

I searched for information regarding arthritis and how to deal with it. After trying several remedies, I did not find lasting relief. During my search, I came across Myotherapy and how the techniques it uses can treat my condition.

Arthritis is caused by the inflammation of the joints. It causes swelling, stiffness of the joints, and pain. Treatments include taking pain killers, but I heard many people have gotten rid of the chronic pain through myotherapy.

Myotherapy is a physical therapy that uses several techniques such as myofascial dry needling, hot or cold therapy, trigger point therapy or acupuncture, electrical nerve stimulation therapy, and passive stretching. It is also called neuromuscular therapy.

Myofascial therapy is an effective remedy for osteoarthritis, especially on the knees. Acupuncture and passive stretching have also been known to reduce inflammation and chronic pain.

I decided to learn more about Myotherapy and this brought me to a myotherapy clinic in Brunswick, Australia. I decided to visit this Melbourne myotherapy web site to learn more about it and it was impressive. It prompted me to drive to the clinic immediately.

Giving Myofascial Treatment A Try

Having tried several treatments already, I decided to give myotherapy a try. A big number of people suffering from chronic pain has been seeking treatment in this clinic.

Many of them are people that lead active lives such as athletes. However, people who suffer from chronic pain also seek help from this clinic. What is unique about myotherapy is that after conducting a thorough check-up to determine the cause and the kind of chronic pain, a personalised treatment program is prepared.

Each patient is treated differently because, in this type of therapy, no single treatment can fit all. The patient is assured that the treatment he gets really remedies his ailment.

Difference Between Massage and Myotherapy

Neuromuscular therapy uses massage but it is different from other massage treatments. One big difference is that a myotherapist uses several massage techniques to treat the patient.

The myotherapist has a deeper knowledge of the musculoskeletal structure of the body. He is trained to identify the parts of the body that cause pain and they can use treatment that targets the source of pain.

This means that if the chronic pain you have needs a different kind of massage treatment, your options can be limited. However, with myotherapy, any chronic pain has its matching treatment.

Aside from neuromuscular therapy, the facility also offers remedial massage and sports massage.

Treatments are available for all types of chronic pains and even pregnant women can be treated without fearing for the effects on her pregnancy and her baby. Because no medical drugs are involved, neuromuscular massage is safe for everyone.

What to Expect When Signing Up for Therapy

Physical therapy conducted by a myotherapist always starts with questions regarding the history of your chronic pain and a thorough check-up. A unique treatment program is designed for you. Then, your therapy sessions are scheduled.

The patient must attend all the sessions for the treatment to succeed. After six weeks of regular therapy, my pain gradually ceased. Thanks to my myotherapist who did everything he can to help me.

Today, I am pain-free and back to my normal life. I had a list of the exercises to perform regularly and a recommended diet plan for holistic treatment.

I look forward to getting back to my normal life after I’m home. Just the thought of a painless existence makes me feel happy and thankful.

Got Back Pain? Try an Inversion Table!

These days, a lot of people have back pains. It amazes me that as early as 25, I already experienced lower back pain as if I was already aging.

I guess I can blame it on posture and the very little time I spend exercising and focusing on blood circulation.

What’s an Inversion Table?

If you haven’t heard of it yet, an inversion table is like a cot where you lie down, strap yourself to it, and control it to a position where you are suspended upside down.

It’s like being in a handstand except that you are not putting your weight in your hands.

An inversion table is the main equipment used in inversion therapy. Inversion therapy is a technique that focuses on shifting gravity in your body to allow proper blood circulation and muscle relaxation.

Although there are barely any studies that prove inversion therapy’s effectiveness, the logic of the whole technique was enough for me to try it.

Benefits of Inversion Therapy

Of course, I still did research before deciding to buy an inversion table. I found that there are many benefits to doing inversion therapy, here are just some:

1. Fewer Back Pains

Since I always get back pains, I wanted to look for something that will address this above anything else.

Fortunately, buying an inversion table can focus on lessening the back pains that I have since it targets the muscles around my back and the spine itself.

There’s even a study that shows the reduced chances of getting back pain just by spending 3-minute sets on the inversion table.

2. Stronger Spine

The spine is one of the most underrated bones in the body. Without it functioning properly, you could cease to walk, jump, stand, or do anything that you love.

Going through inversion therapy can help increase the fluids that protect the spine and all the bones that make it.

3. Relaxed Legs

We spend most of our days standing up or sitting down. Either way, our feet carry all our weight so it just feels right to let it relax.

The best way to do it is to go upside down so that you shift all your weight from your feet to the inversion table.

Picking the Right Inversion Table

If you’re wondering where to buy inversion tables, you can buy online or at brick-and-mortar shops so that you can see each model for yourself.

But before doing this, I suggest that you know what to look for in an inversion table.

First, you have to check the sturdiest brands. It should be able to support your weight or heavier. If possible, you can look at videos or ask for a demo so that you can see how sturdy it is when someone is already lying on the inversion table.

Second, you want to consider its design. It’s more than looking nice and sleek. The design I’m talking about is its ergonomic design.

When it comes to going upside down, you have to make sure that its design will help support not just your back, but also your neck.

Another thing I recommend checking is the handlebars. Well, you have to know how many angles the inversion table is allowing.

For inversion therapy, going upside down isn’t the only position that can help relieve back pain. In fact, you have to do a few sets of different angles.

And lastly, I personally would buy an inversion table that has other features. For example, if it has heating pads, then that would be nice since heat helps warm the tension in my back.

There are a lot of inversion tables out there but before you shell out money for this, know your preferences and standards in inversion tables.

5 Factors to Consider When Buying an Exercise Bike

Biking brings about numerous health benefits, which is why a growing number of people nowadays have become bike enthusiasts and gyms consider exercise bikes as staple equipment. Among the benefits are increased cardiovascular fitness, improved circulation, weight loss, stronger bones, and more toned muscles.

Despite the advantages, not all bikes are created equal. There are those that cause accidents and those that do not fail to deliver results. Some are intended for athletes while others are specially designed for beginners. If you are intending to buy one for personal use, here are some factors you need to consider:


Exercise bikes are stationary machines run by applied leg force. Old exercise bike models create noise, either humming or squeaking, when in full motion. While the noise may appear tolerable, it unconsciously seeps in through your mind, disrupting your focus. In Australia, there is a plethora of exercise bike options to choose from and among those with noise-free design is the Vortex V1600.


The size of your bike matters, lest you stretch a specific muscle group unnecessarily. If you’ve tried riding a big mountain bike when you were six or a mini kiddie bike when you were 30, you know exactly about the body strain caused by a bike-body size mismatch. Ideally, you must be able to reach the pedals comfortably. The distance between your body and the handlebars should be at an arm’s length, enough for you to slightly bend your elbows or to fully rest your forearm on the bar. Again, different sizes and features are available nowadays. So it certainly helps to read Australian exercise bike reviews, so you would be better guided.


You should be able to track down the number of cycles you’ve undertaken without the arduous task of manual counting. That said, exercise bike features truly matter. Purchase those that have an embedded digital counter. Also pay attention to the bike seat; it should be comfortable and durable enough to withstand the weight of the users. Handlebars should preferably be adjustable and the controls should be user-friendly. If you want, you can even choose exercise bikes with a heart-rate monitor. This feature helps avoid medical emergencies, such as stroke and heart attack.

Most importantly, when deciding on features you should be able to realistically assess your skills and health condition. Upright exercise bikes are better suited for beginners as they resemble closely the traditional bikes. Recumbent exercise bikes, on the other hand, offer the riders a reclining position because of the back rest. They also allow more rigorous training and wider coverage of muscle toning. Then again, the decision rests mainly on your expertise level.

Alternative Programming

Focusing on a single exercise regimen over and over again for a long period of time is stifling. You definitely need a breather in the form of an alternative exercise set. Your exercise bike programs, therefore, must be able to accommodate different resistance levels and other fitness requirements. For instance, the York Fitness’ C410 model allows a complete 12 variations in resistance levels, thereby enabling the users to achieve their fitness goals, apart from offering them an elegant design. Furthermore, there are newer models that allow users to watch videos, play music, or play games while exercising through the embedded video screens. This creates a fun experience.


The average price of exercise bikes is within $200 to $2,500, depending on the features and brand. If you are new to the routine or still testing the waters, it is recommended that you purchase the low-cost bikes first, lest you find the exercise inappropriate for your health status or personal preference. From there, you can gradually upgrade to more advanced features.

While biking is great, it may not be for everyone and spending $200 at the very least is no joke. You need to ensure the value for your investment. Consider the 5 factors above and surely you will make wiser purchase decisions.

Tips on How to Find the Best Abode in Melbourne

Apartment 2

Finding a place to live in a city as big as Melbourne can be challenging. Although there is no lack of options, even just choosing an area to live in could already be difficult. The great and expansive transportation system makes it easy to find a home without being too isolated from the center.

There are many different options for real estate in Melbourne, from houses to town homes, all the way to flats. Though families generally dream of a house with a big yard for the kids, they might be normally found on the outskirts of the city, where there is more space. Therefore, living close to the center and to where most businesses and jobs are can be one of the top reasons to live in an apartment. Depending on your needs, budget and preferences, there is always something for you.

A friend who was looking for a place asked for my help. Though I am willing to offer my support, having three kids doesn’t give me as much free time as I would like to have. Instead of looking through hundreds of ads and wasting a lot of time on calling and looking at flats, this can be made easier by just getting the help of a property specialist. As with my friend who is working full-time, hiring a professional was simply the only way to go. Once she decided on one, we went to visit their Melbourne office to see the available properties for her.

The experience of helping her with her search convinced me of two things that are necessary if you are looking for your next abode: 

Be Clear on What You Want

It can be easy to get swayed by wonderful pictures of houses with gardens but if you are sure that this is not what you want, do not even consider it. You might end up buying something that you will regret once you start the daily one-hour commutes to work. Therefore, understanding what you want is necessary to narrow down the options. Even if you are just looking for an apartment to rent, the fact is that moving takes time and energy. Needing to pack and unpack often is not something you want to go through.

To begin your search, ask yourself what you need or want. How many rooms do you require? In which area are you hoping to live in, or at least, which transport lines should be close by? What amenities, like a balcony or a garden, are you looking for? By identifying what is the most important to you and what you foresee you need in the future can really guide you in this process.

Get a Property Specialist 

I cannot emphasize enough how much easier it can be when you contract the services of a professional. They can help narrow down the search from hundreds of properties available out there, and can recommend a few you can really focus on. Although there are reports of dubious agents out there, it still is not enough reason to do the time-consuming and tiring process alone. Ask around for recommendations of good professionals out there, so you are sure that you will find a good partner during this time.

Another advantage of having an agent is that you might gain access to properties that are not easily found if you did it alone. They might have connections even with developers who can help you score a great apartment pre-construction. They might even help you with the negotiation of the price, which is also a huge help. In the end, they are worth every dollar you pay.

Buying or even renting a place also requires paperwork, inspections, legalities and other technicalities to finalize the process. Your agent can help sort through what needs to be done and provide support. Especially for those who have no experience in leasing or purchasing property, this help is god-sent. Although you can also spend time researching it on your own and asking friends or other professionals on how to do it yourself, the fact is, most people simply do not have the time or patience to deal with all of it.

Following these tips have certainly helped my friend settle down in a great flat close to her workplace with a wonderful view over a small neighborhood park. Her experience with her specialist was positive and helpful in reducing the chore of sorting through Melbourne’s huge real estate market. Being one of the most livable cities out there, it can certainly be a journey finding your next new abode.

The Health Benefits of Water

drinking waterHealth is considered the most important aspect in our lives but unfortunately, many of us disregard its importance not until a problem is encountered. The cliché ‘health is wealth’ is actually true and thus we should not take this for granted.

Even if we are feeling well, strong and energetic we should not forget the fact that sickness can always occur in the future. At one point or another, each person gets sick for reasons such weather change, acquiring a virus from a different place, or sometimes due to fatigue. At the onset of any health issue, seeing a doctor is the smartest move. In addition, practicing a healthy lifestyle should also be carried out. One way of living healthily is by keeping the body hydrated. This, therefore, brings us to the topic of drinking water. What exactly are the health benefits of water? Let’s go ahead and learn more.

Scientifically, our body weight comprises 60 percent of water. Our body uses water inside tissues, organs and cells so that these would function normally and at the same time regulate the temperature in the body. Knowing that our body loses water through digestion, breathing and sweating, this has to be replaced by means of rehydration or drinking fluids. Another healthy method of rehydration is eating foods which contain plenty water. In that case, fruits and vegetables are the best source.

There are a number of factors which affect the amount of water your body needs. These are: how physically active you are, climate you live in and whether an illness or health problem is being experienced. As recommended by health professionals, 8 glasses of water is the ideal amount to be taken every single day. While water is the best thirst-quenching liquid, it also promotes a number of benefits. Here they are:

Water Protects the Joints, Spinal Cord and Tissues

Water keeps the tissues in the body moist. When the tissues run dry, it can be associated to the feeling when your mouth, nose and eyes gets dry. Hydrating the body means allowing sensitive areas of the body such as bones, brain and blood to retain their optimum levels of moisture. Furthermore, water protects the spinal cord and functions as a lubricant in cushioning the joints.

Water Aids in Digestion

Digestion starts in the oral cavity where the breakdown of food is initiated with the aid of saliva, the basis of which is water. The process of digestion takes place through the presence of enzymes and liquid that help dissolve nutrients and minerals. Water aids in the digestion of soluble fiber which results to a healthy bowel movement.

Water Helps Your Body Remove Waste

The excretion of waste from the body is manifested through defecation, urination and perspiration. The liver, intestines and kidneys need water to flush out waste from the body regularly. Water eliminates the problem of constipation by helping move the food in the intestinal tract and softening the stool before excretion. One important thing note is that increased amount of water intake does not guarantee cure for constipation. Severe cases must be under the advice of a doctor.

Water Prevents Dehydration

When the body engages into vigorous activities such as exercise, dancing and running, plenty of fluid is eliminated from the body through perspiration. Loss of fluids also occurs when a person experiences high fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Fluid intake, particularly water, can help restore the body’s hydration level. In the case of urinary tract infection, bladder infection and renal stones, the doctor would recommend increased amount of water intake above the normal 8 glasses a day. For pregnant women or nursing mothers, water intake is also increased due to the utilization of more fluids in the body when conceiving or breastfeeding. Caution is required though on the amount that is why you need to consult with your physician.

Upon knowing how important water is in our lives, it is also necessary to learn the ideal amount that the body needs. This brings us to the question – how much water do you need?

One good indication whether or not you are dehydrated is by determining the color of your urine. If the color is clear, then you are pretty in good shape however, when the color is dark, you are probably dehydrated. Dehydration can be prevented by drinking enough water when you get thirsty. And in order to achieve good physical health, always include water or any healthy beverage with each meal of the day.

Water does not only facilitate proper digestion, it too does many wonders for the health which include, healthy skin and hair, cleaner teeth and gums, good hygiene and others. Make it a habit to drink water not only when you get thirsty but in between meals as well. Prevention is always better than cure therefore, make it a lifestyle to become a water drinker. It is the most inexpensive wellness regimen which is very safe for everyone.

A Story from My Blog Reader

This story below was sent by one of my readers after seeing my post about phobia going to a dentist.

Hi, thanks for your last post about your fear going to a dentist. I would like to share which is quite the same as yours. Thinking of visiting a dentist make me feel awkward. The serious environment, the killing equipments and the scariest attitude of the dentist, make me feel, as if I have committed a crime and have been sent to this place to undergo punishment. I used to think like that only, till I visited a local dentist Coburg. The dentist place was recommended by one of my friend, who had dental implants in that place. She has such a positive review about this place that I thought to visit it for the problem of my teeth paleness.

I called up there and took an appointment for next day. As soon I entered the dentist place, I felt a wave of positivity and comfortable, by seeing the dentist and the patient around me. I went up to the dentist office, when I was called. He was very calm and understanding, he was listening to my problems; very carefully and then he started to explain me the real cause of my teeth paleness and the procedure to follow it thoroughly for one week. He told me about the treatment cost and everything; I found it very affordable as well.

I instantly got readily for the one-week treatment, which was going to start from next day. From the next day, I started coming to the dentist, and he started my treatment. I told him about my fear of the dentist, and he told that everybody come here, comes with the same fear and goes with shining teeth. I was happy and satisfied with his word of wisdom, and we both had become friendly with each other; in this one-week course. Even his assistant and other staff was also very friendly and cooperative with my fear very well.

Every day I used to wait for my next appointment, as I had got rid of the fear; which I had a few days before. With my last day of treatment, I was happy with the perfect result, which I did not even accept. I was satisfied with the unbelievable service and attitude of the dentist, his assistant and as well as the rest of the staff there. The hygiene of the place, made me totally mesmerized and now I recommend it to everyone, who talk to me about his dental problems, after seeing my shining and white teeth, which I feel proud about, wherever I go.

Dentist Phobia – Not Really Necessary

I haven’t posted here for a while. I was searching for dental implants Melbourne CBD for my fiancée and suddenly I remember about my own experience back in the days with a dentist. Hope by posting this story, it might help people out there who always make excuses not to go to a dental clinic.

I had a phobia of dentists from my childhood days, when my mother used to take me to the dentist for my regular checkup. I was very bad with my oral hygiene and my phobia also left me no choice, rather than showing my teeth problems to a dentist. Whenever I used to think about visiting one, and then the fear of all the equipments in the dentist place made me not to go there. Twenty-five years of my life, simply passed away, by hiding my mouth in front of others.

I used to get embarrassed into such an extent that I never even used to smile in front of anybody. My bad oral habits made my teeth look pale and rotten; I was ashamed of myself being afraid of visiting a dentist for my tooth’s sake. Finally, the time came when I was in Melbourne CBD for some work, when I noticed a sign of a dental clinic nearby a cafe. While having my coffee, something came upon me. I got up and simply when inside the dentist office, before even thinking twice.

The moment I enter, the fear started taking upon me, but soon I saw the scenario of friendly staff, who was talking to their patients very conveniently and in a friendly manner. Those made me take one more step inside the dentist office. One of the dentists came up to me and invited me into his desk and started talking to me. I instantly told all the problems related to my teeth and the phobia of dentists. He completely understood me and told me all the procedure that he will be conducting for the next four days.

I was happy that I was going to visit the place for five more days, I instantly agreed with him and he started my treatment. The dentist was very understanding and used all the equipments carefully, when he saw I was getting panicked and assured me that everything is going great. He did his four days treatment and every day I went there more confidently. On the final day, when I saw my almost white teeth in good condition, then I thought about how foolish I was to get fear about the dentist and making myself embarrassed for so many years and now it makes me happy that I fought my fear and went to that local dentist which had changed my life in the real sense.

Check out this video below if you have dental phobia like I was.

Before you decide to change your hair style….

Perhaps you were looking for experienced hairdressers Melbourne and have entered a beauty salon for a fresh salon haircut and left with the exact same old appearance? Well, before the salon sytlist are employed, you undoubtedly want a hair consultation. What’s a hairdressing consultation? Read on and you’ll know more about this.

It’s really convenient to enter a beauty salon without any thought what haircut you need. That’s what the hair dressing consultation is about. Here is what should occur during a hairdressing consultation. When you reserve your appointment, be sure to tell the reception that you want to talk to the stylist about your hair style. This will empower the stylist to have some extra-time allotted for the consultation. The receptionist understands that before the stylist actually picks up the hair scissors, he will need to understand some significant details about you first.

Before the stylist sees you, make sure you are prepared with responses to some fundamental questions like: How often do you normally maintain your hair? What’s the length you may prefer for your hair? Can you need shade? What are the damaging issues you typically have with your haircuts? What do you adore about your hair? Can you wish to be capable to pull your hair up in a ponytail or do you constantly keep it down? Are you more of a traditional sort or a fashionable haircut kind of individual? Is your hair affected by seasonal climate changes? Would you favor your hair in your face or brushed straight back out of your face? That is the time to allow the stylist knows about the greatest time and your hair for great communicating. Do not wait until the stylist begins using the scissors to inquire questions.

Once you’ve told the hairdresser the responses to these queries, then, hear to the stylist on her/his ideas and remarks. The stylist should manage to figure out some adjustments to make, whether minimum or complete change and is the salon expert. Don’t forget to understand what the new hair cut will do for your face contour. What about colour? Will it be simple to perform with? Have you got a photo of the haircut? What is the care necessary? Are you going to need distinct hair products?

If you are not positive about the haircut the stylist suggested, you can say that a small shorter or lengthier would be favored. Require a variation of what continues to be mentioned. Preserve the hair style you’re wearing and you might want to believe about it until another haircut appointment. Do not overlook that hairdressing consultation; therefore the dialogue should go forth and straight back. Let the stylist to make even a modest change, if you’re feeling comfortable with the stylist after the consult. All things considered, you did go to the beauty salon for a fresh haircut!

That is the stage when the stylist should shampoo your hair and for the very first time during your visit, choose up the scissors to cut your hair.

It’s recommended to consistently have the first visit to a hair dressing consultation with a fresh hair stylist. After the first assignment, anticipate having a three to five recurring consultation. This consultation gives the customer time to inform the stylist of any issues with the preceding haircut, any lifestyle modifications, or any desirable changes for the new haircut.

After a number of consultations, you should feel comfortable with your hairstylist and it will not even sense like a hair dressing consultation. Instead, it should sense like a pleasant dialogue with a new-found pal, who needs to allow you to look and feel your very best.